240V Fully Electronic Diesel Bowser with Pedestal
Key Features
- Fully electronic 240v refuelling kit in bowser design complete with inbuilt meter, hose & auto shut-off nozzle
- Flow rate 70 L/min
- Meter accurate ± -0.5 % within flow rate range
- Local memory capable of storing data for the last 200 deliveries
- Records date and time of dispensing
- 10 x Magnetic user keys for identification
- Software in USB & Data cable
- IP55 rated 550 watt self priming vane pump
- 12v option also available
- Material: Not Applicable
- Availability: Zone 01 and Zone 02
240V Fully Electronic Diesel Bowser with Pedestal. The 51090P diesel fuel dispenser bowser with pedestal is a multi-user product complete with a pump, flow meter and automatic nozzle, management software, key kit including ten yellow user keys, one red manager’s key, USB card reader and security padlock. Capable of flow rates of up to 70 L/min the 51090P diesel fuel dispensing kit is easily interfaced with sophisticated fleet management systems and can be connected to an external electronic system and be enabled for dispensing to switch the pump on or off. Connection to a level switch is also possible in order to automatically switch off the pump in the event of a low tank level. Additional keys and software can also be purchased separately either individually or as a software & key kit.